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Finding fast, upbeat worship songs is one of the toughest parts of a worship leader’s job.
I still haven’t quite figured out why this is. Maybe it’s a lot easier for worship artists to write slow, contemplative songs. They’re certainly a lot easier to play.
When a church worship team does find a good fast song, it proves too difficult or ends up sounding cheesy or mid-tempo.
No matter how difficult, worship leaders need fast praise songs. The Bible doesn’t call us to sing only dirges every Sunday!
Not to fear. I’ve decided we worship leaders need a great resource to find fast songs.
So here’s a list of fast songs that we’ve done at our church or that I think would work in a church setting. If you have additional songs that work well for your team, leave some ideas in the comments. Your song could make it on my list. So comment away. Without further ado, here are the songs.
Note: I may be compensated if you purchase through links on this page. It costs you nothing extra, and you support this ministry. I only recommend services I would use myself.
Jehovah. Artist: Elevation Worship, Chris Brown
What I like about this song is its depiction of the names of God as they were known in Hebrew at the time of Jesus. While the song starts mid-tempo, it really gets going into a truly upbeat song.
Get the chord chart: Jehovah

Good God Almighty. Artist: Crowder
This is a feel-good, inspiring song that will get your congregation out of their seats on Sunday morning. Crowder has been providing the church with worship songs for a couple of decades now, and this is one of the newest.
Get the chord chart: Good God Almighty.

Waking Up. Artist: We The Kingdom. Album: Holy Water
Here’s a creative, upbeat song that your congregation and worship team can sing. But what do I like best about it? It’s a fast, female-led worship song which are hard to find.
Get the chord chart: Waking Up

What I See. Artist: Elevation/Chris Brown. Album: Lion
You might think that fast worship songs are hard to play. Sometimes, that’s true. But Elevation’s What I See, released in 2022, has very few chord changes and often drones on the same chord for many measures. Even if your worship band is young or inexperienced, you can probably pull this one off in your church or youth group.
Get the chord chart: What I See

In Jesus’ Name. Artist: Israel & New Breed. Album: Alive in Asia
Israel Houghton never disappoints. Although his songs can sound complex, they are actually quite simple to use in your local worship setting. All the frills he adds are not required, but if you’re Israel Houghton’s band, you might as well do the things that can be heard here.
Get the chord chart: In Jesus’ Name

House of the Lord. Artist: Phil Wickham. Album: Hymn of Heaven
Admittedly, this isn’t the fastest song ever created (86 BPM), but with enough energy, this can pass as a fast praise song in your worship set.
Get the chord chart: House of the Lord

Just the Mention of His Name. Artist: The Belonging Co. Album: Now.
While not the fastest in tempo, this song’s energy could easily make it a worship opener for your church.
Get the chord chart: Just the Mention of His Name

Ring and Robe (Welcome Home). Artist: Bethel/Dante Bowe/Naomi Raine. Album: Homecoming
I love how worship styles are coming together. There’s no reason there has to be “white worship” and “black worship.” This is a perfect example of both styles coming together in unity, combining the best elements of rock and gospel in a cohesive whole that encourage the whole body of Christ. And the fact that it’s a fast song is just icing on the cake. I’m in so excited for the future of worship.
Get the chord chart: Ring and Robe

Sing Wherever I Go. Artist: We The Kingdom. Album: Live At The Wheelhouse
I’m loving We The Kingdom lately and this is a great example why. With their original lyrics, rock-country feel, and authentic worship, this band is going places.
Get the chord chart: Sing Wherever I Go

I Thank God. Artist: Maverick City Music & UPPERROOM
Here’s a truly upbeat song for your worship team or youth group. With a BPM of 130, it’s one of the fastest songs on this list of fast songs. If you want to shake up your congregation, young or old, try out this song in your worship set.
Get the chord chart: I Thank God

Battle Belongs. Artist: Phil Wickham.
Every couple years, you can count on Phil Wickham to come out with an upbeat song or two that is playable and singable. This one isn’t terribly fast, but it has served me well as an opener for my worship sets. It’s also one of the best newer worship songs about prayer. Give it a try.
Get the chord chart: Battle Belongs

My Testimony. Artist: Elevation. Album: Graves Into Gardens
This song quickly became a top worship song. I personally feel that the lyrics are all over the place, talking about a lot of different subjects within one song. And great songwriters know that you should stick to one subject per song. Still, it does have some good things to say. What’s the one thing that should give us the most joy? As this song says, that your name is registered in heaven.
Get the chord chart: My Testimony

You Are The Light. Artist: Ovation Worship. Album: Ovation Worship Live
Here’s a song I’m super excited about for a number of reasons. First, I got to interview Colt Straub of Ovation Worship and he’s a super cool guy. Second, the song has a rap interlude, and rap is something more churches should introduce in a worship setting. Third, the song and album were written and produced by a local church in Oklahoma, USA for their own congregation and now, the world. If God is calling you to write and record songs for your church, follow Ovation Worship’s example and just do it. Check out more about what Ovation Worship is doing, and find chord charts and more at OvationWorship.com.
Get the chord chart: You Are The Light

Might Get Loud. Artist: Elevation
A truly fun song that doesn’t overcomplicate getting loud for Jesus. There’s really not much to it, so your worship band will probably have no trouble with this song. It might sound like a bit much for a Sunday morning, but it could be just what your congregation needs to get them ready for the service.
Get the chord chart: Might Get Loud

Oh My Soul. Artist: Travis Cottrell. Album: Spirit Rise
Although it’s about a year old, this song is still under the radar. While I thought the performance was lacking (vocals, videography, singers) the song itself is actually pretty good and could be a good addition to your fast song repertoire.
Get the chord chart: Oh My Soul

This Changes Everything. Artist: Jon Egan. Album: Unveil
My church has been doing this song for quite some time and people can really worship to it. I’m so glad Jon Egan included this powerful, fast worship song as the second track of the album “Unveil.” The song tells how Jesus’ resurrection changed everything for the lives of believers.
Get the chord chart: This Changes Everything

God So Loved. Artist: We The Kingdom. Album: Live At The Wheelhouse
Here’s another upbeat song from this acoustic rock/country worship band.
Get the chord chart: God So Loved

Every Beat. Artist: North Point InsideOut. CCLI #7081648. Album: Nothing Ordinary
This song is actually a couple of years old but I just discovered it and thought it was a good one to add here. This song is from the same album as “Death Was Arrested” which we’ve done a million times at my church, but somehow never did this one. So here’s a great one to teach your church if you missed it like I did.
Get the chord chart: Every Beat

Never Get Over It. Artist: Michael Neale. CCLI #7127416. Album: Foundation
I really like the sound of Michael Neale’s voice and style. With the incorporation of horns, the sound is something you don’t hear in worship music every day. Plus this song’s lyrics are fresh, avoiding the typical worship song cliches. It’s also one of the best worship songs about forgiveness that I’ve heard in a while. Well done, Michael.
Get the chord chart: Never Get Over It

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Inhabit. Artist: Leeland. CCLI #7133705. Album: Better Word
This song admittedly starts off mid-tempo but it does get going. Plus, there’s not a lot of lyrics, making it an easy one for worship teams and congregations to learn.
Get the chord chart: Inhabit

Let Go. Artist: Hillsong Young & Free. CCLI #7108455. Album: III
This song might be more suitable for youth groups than adult services, but it could work in just about any setting by customizing the arrangement and instrumentation. Hillsong Y&F is pushing the limits of worship music. If you want to hear what “mainstream” adult worship will sound like in 5 years, listen to the Y&F album simply called “III”.
Get the chord chart: Let Go

Freedom. Artist: Jesus Culture. CCLI #7078151. Album: Living With A Fire
So, I know this list features a lot of Jesus Culture songs, but they seem to be one of the few groups putting out upbeat worship songs these days. Here’s a fast one from the reigning champs of worship music.
Get the chord chart: Freedom

Hindsight. Artist: Hillsong Young & Free. CCLI #7109515. Album: III
Here’s another Hillsong Y&F tune. What I like about this group is that they are not afraid to write non-cliche lyrics — and lyrics that sound a lot like people talk (but slightly more artistic). For instance, “I don’t need to know what the future says / ‘Cause if the past could talk it would tell me this.” That’s pretty good song writing, especially for worship music which tends to mention things like mountains, valleys, darkness, light. Those are all good topics, but overused in worship music. Good on Y&F for breaking that mold. This song is a good example of their songwriting prowess.
Get the chord chart: Hindsight

Zeal. Artist: The Belonging Co. CCLI #7085967. Album: All the Earth
Wow – I haven’t heard a new fast worship song quite like this since the early Hillsong United albums. I don’t know much about The Belonging Co., but no doubt I will soon.
Get the chord chart: Zeal

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Grace On Top Of Grace. Artist: Fellowship Creative. CCLI #7040862. Album: Eclipsed
This is a fast, easy song and you can even work in “Amazing Grace” as they do in this version. Although this song is a couple years old now, it’s still sounds fresh and could work in your church in 2023.
Get the chord chart: Grace On Top Of Grace

Louder. Artist: Immerse Worship
This was a song submitted by a member of the Worship Deeper community. Calvary Church in North Carolina recorded this live at a worship night, and sent it along. It’s quite good! They even sent an MP3 and chord chart that anyone can download. (Do that here). Do you have a song you’d like to submit? See how to get your song in front of thousands of worship leaders here.

>>Related: Best New Slow Worship Songs>>
Well, that’s it for now but please keep the suggestions coming. I’ll add the good ones to the list.
If you’d like to be updated when I post new fast songs to this list, leave a comment below.
>> Want to grow as a worship leader? Subscribe to my podcast – Worship Leader 101 – here. <<
Feature Image: SKARD
I don’t see how to download any of the songs. I really struggle with stuff like this.
Due to copyright laws, I’m not able to offer any downloadable music. The best I can do is include the YouTube video which is allowed per the YouTube license that artists agree to when they add their music there. However, I do have some free downloadable (undiscovered) songs at https://worshipdeeper.com/worship-song-portal-downloadable-mp3s-song-sheets/
Bro, this is so helpful. This is exactly what I need to brush up on for my church; fast paced praise songs!!! Thank you!
this is fantastic, thank you
Never Fade Away by Aaron Pelsue Band as well as just about any of their originals
Check out I Thank God by Maverick City. Love this song!
Thank you!
Anything by Tauren Wells
Sunday morning feeling by Apollo LTD
Anything by Austin French
Changed by Jorden Feliz
If you get a chance, listen to the artist Reyer. His worship song Warrior is upbeat and great for any churches that may have a dance team as well. He is most known for his worship son remixes, but the album Resound is amazing.
Thanks for this list! Was looking for some faster paced songs I can run to and worship while I run 🙂 some other favorites of mine are John Mark McMillan – Borderland. In the Darkness – Dustin Kensrue, Juggernaut – Dustin Kensrue, I knew You Before – Dustin Kensrue. Grace alone – Modern Post. Rejoice – Modern Post. My One Comfort – Modern Post. It is Finished – Modern Post. Just as I Am – Modern Post.
April 1, 2021 – looking for fast songs for a road trip because all the songs I enjoy make my friend cry. This post and most of the comments was fabulous! There are so many songs here I hadn’t heard before. As an Apostolic Pentecostal I agree that songs should be scripturally based, but also absolutely agree that we don’t need to sing every song slow. There is a difference in praise and worship, and we have an incredible worship team that helps facilitate both, along with following the move of the Holy Spirit. 🎶 I’m Gonna Sing A New Song 🎶 Thank you again for all of the time and effort in creating this list!
When you update this list, you could consider songs like:
Let everything (pat barret)
Unto Your Name (housefires)
Graves into Gardens (Elevation worship)
Battle Belongs (phil Wickham)
Great Things (Phil Wickham)
Resurrection Power (Bethel)
Abundantly More (North Point Worship)
Just a few suggestions.
Thank you! I will check these out!
Hi Tim,
Thanks for this list. Some of them are really great. After listening to all of them, I like ‘Never get over it’ from Michael Neale the best. I might send it out to our church band group text.
We always seem to struggle finding new fast praise songs. Especially ones that aren’t the depth of a puddle. Our worship leader highly values doctrine-rich lyrics, as well as interesting instrumentation. That’s kind of a tall order for modern Christian praise and worship music.
I’ve uploaded just a few of our songs to Youtube as unlisted videos a couple years back. I should really update it with our current repertoire, but as it sits, here are just two of the faster songs we like to do on occasion:
Shane & Shane’s Lord of Hosts (Psalm 46) is a true epic, lyrically and musically. We changed some of the song structure and added a lot to the back end of the song:
The drum solo around the 8 minute mark just rockets it to another level, I think.
Be Thou My Vision is probably my favorite hymn. I absolutely love playing it. Our arrangement is so fun. (Keep an ear out for the ‘Sweet Child ‘O Mine’ lick knock-off. And ignore my mistake on the bass feature in the third verse, lol.)
Starts slow, but by the end it’s full-fledged rock.
God bless,
Thank you!
Love your Lord of Hosts! I’ve never heard that song until now and ITS AWESOME! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hello, Ryan,
I have a Christian dance studio and I’m ALWAYS looking for biblically based songs. Yes, it is a challenge… especially to find something upbeat for the dancers. There are a lot of ‘fun’ upbeat ‘Christian’ songs, but God has laid it on my heart to avoid ‘man centered’ songs. I would appreciate any songs you could share with me! Not just upbeat, but all styles are appreciated! Thank you and may God bless you and your family.
Hi Tim Lucas, glad to know you. I am thankful that i found this website. May the Lord keep you and bless your ministry. And one more thing, thank you so much for the free songs.
The Church is Alive (River Valley) https://youtu.be/3pb2Xapw0TM
I’m Free (Planetshakers) https://youtu.be/qHIzhSX9MLQ
Love this lost, thank you! Would you happen to have it in a YouTube playlist so I could easily listen through on the TV? 😁
We seem to have a little bit different view of what constitutes “fast”, as at least 1/3 of the ones you list I’d consider still rather slow. Nevertheless this list is far, far better than what’s typically done in my church. Thank you.
I think a good case can be made that a more accurate version of “The Bible doesn’t call us to sing only dirges every Sunday!” would be “The Bible doesn’t call us to sing dirges on any Sunday!”
Thank you so much!
Up & Alive – Luke Anna Hellebronth is my favourite upbeat worship, but not enough people know about it.
Give it a listen!
Great job in finding these gems. It has been harder and harder to find good fast praise songs that sound fresh. Its like the moment one song catches fire, there are 7 more songs that sound the same the pop out drowning the original cool song. I will definitely come back to this site.
Planetshakers is the best!!!
There is also the song “New Song We Sing” by Meredith Andrews. It’s from her CD titled “The Invitation”. It’s a great fast praise song and one of my favorites.
This one is brand new and excellent:
Grace is On Our Side – Vertical Worship
Working on Your Name is Power by Rend Collective now and introducing Never Get Over It by Michael Neale today! Thanks for keeping this site fresh. It has helped us discover so much and keeps our worship sets exciting!
Thanks Adam. That’s encouraging. It is a lot of work to keep new songs here but I’m glad it’s helping so many ministries.
Thanks for this!
My church has both Youth and Church songs (as well as a kids album being released on Feb 2nd).
All our music is on Spotify and Applemusic.
Calvary Worship and Calvary Youth.
Some of the good fast ones are:
Revelation – Calvary Youth
Free – Calvary Youth
Potter & Clay – Calvary Worship
Whom Shall I Fear – Calvary Worship
Living In Your Love – Calvary Worship
Plus a bunch of slower worship songs.
Coronation is really great.
and Breath of Life.
Awesome! Look forward to seeing future updates to this!
Brendan, I was swamped in 2019 starting up the podcast. However, I am making a list of new songs to add to this post. Stay tuned!
Thanks for this awesome resource! I can’t seem to find King of Heaven CCLI##7100522 on this page or on CCLI anymore. Does anyone know if it’s still licensed for congregational use?
Your Love is Alive
I liked your list it was a big help im a media leader not really in the worship team but we play music during our prayer before service, and i use upbeat music to help set the atmosphere for fellowship or anouncements.
My pastor likes us to play music until service starts to help guide people into prayer and to help them shake everything off so that God can deal with whatever frustration etc they are dealing with so that there focus will be centered on the word that is to be ministered. I had sometime looking for songs that didnt have electronic dance sound so this list was a help
My wife and I pastor a church and I lead the worship team. We have found ourselves using a lot of Rend Collective songs over the past year. (Undignified, Rescuer, Resurrection Day, Your Royal Blood, and others). We have found that these songs work great even when stripped down to an acoustic guitar and percussion. The church loves them too. I highly recommend taking a listen. Most of their chord charts are also on their website which is great. Another favorite of mine is O Mighty Ones by Incense and Arrows. Great, high energy song that really gets the church excited.
Great suggestions! Everyone reading should check them out!
Suggestion to make spotify playlists from the songs you have selected?
Thanks for the comment Gavin. I do have a playlist on Spotify. I don’t think it exactly matches up, but it has most if not all the songs. https://open.spotify.com/user/timothyalucas/playlist/2jAzlZABf4WQODXkK4UmIU?si=AFRFXjLQRZeXafKEL-w-RA
Thanks for the great suggestions Tim! This list is and has been a great resource for me. One of my current favourites is 1000 Tongues by Vertical Church. As a female worship leader, I love to lead the upbeat songs as much as I love to lead the slow and moderate ones. We structure our services to include both celebration and reflective quiet worship/praise experiences. I’ve done upbeat songs such as Unstoppable God, I am Free, 1000 Tongues, Grace on Top of Grace, You Are Good, that you normally hear sung by male leads. And I share this to encourage female worship leaders out there to not be afraid to tackle and lead these types of songs – just change the key to fit your vocal range! So much fun!
Lots of great songs here, but how fast they are or whether they are fast enough is subjective I guess. My criteria for a fast song is one you get off the ground with and the required at least 140-150 bpm. A lot of these songs have intensity but not tempo and are slower songs lyrics-wise played in double time, and still sort of drag a bit. A good example of a fast song is Church on Fire by Hillsong. I grew up singing messianic worship songs and that you can dance to. Usually 150-180 bpm. If you don’t break a sweat you’re singing slow songs! 😉
Great thoughts. I think it is very hard to find truly fast songs today. Sometimes we find one at 100 bpm and we’re really happy because we have another fast option — even though it’s really not that fast. So thanks for your suggestion here’ I’ll check it out!
Love so many of these – I warned my worship team that we are going to introduce quite a bit of new music this year – we lost a couple of people to college – so we are improvising until God provides to fill the holes, but the temps who have stepped in have been great. I was holding back waiting – but I’m over it – time to move on with whomever God has for us now – can’t wait to get started! This list is uber helpful. We actually just did Old Church Choir by Zach Williams – turned out mega awesome and the congregation actually moves! lol…of course Christmas will be the next thing to plan. Any new 2018 Christmas awesomeness coming your way?
Thanks for the time and effort you’ve put into this amazing site. I’ve noticed quite a changeover in worship music in the last ten years from God-centered to me-centered songs- probably indicative of the “me generation.” If we can focus on Him, singing to Him about Who He is, all our “me” needs will be taken care of. That’s a promise! Blessings
Thank you so much these songs are really helpful. It is really hard to find songs that elementary kids would actually enjoy. God bless your hard work.
I appreciate some of the replies above to focus even more toward vertical praise, raising the majesty and glory of God. Caution is appreciated that not all worship music is grounded in Scripture. The greater the Word of God is lifted, the more we see the grace and mercy He has poured out on us. Great sources of music: Consider updated hymns by Norton Hall Band, Gettys, Sovereign Grace, and Austin Stone Worship! Some are quite upbeat and yet have great theology. What great combination than the Word of God and music! I have great love for many worship and music styles, but even more that God be given the glory through it.
JM…While I hear what you are saying, by that logic, we should never sing most popular hymns then that have stood the test of history in our churches….. Take this excerpt from probably the most famous hymn ever sung…. “Amazing Grace”- Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see”….or “Crown Him With Many Crowns”- Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne. Hark how the Heavenly anthem drowns all music but it’s own….” Etc etc etc….. These ARE vertical songs of worship because they give honor and glory to the King of Kings even though we are not directly singing them TO God…we are singing ABOUT Him and what He has done and continues to do in our lives. This is part of worship…..proclaiming the greatness of God to each other….reminding ourselves of His love and victory over death and the grave. I would say that both/and are important….. As far as Jesus Culture, I would tend to agree that their theology is a bit interesting BUT musically and lyrically there is nothing in their songs that I have noticed (yes I do word and theological studies of all the songs we sing in our church before we sing them.) that is heretical or against the Gospel. The same could be said for Lakewood in Houston, or Gateway, or Lifechurch in the UK…..Ya gotta spit out the bones and take the meat my brother. Heading down that road too often leads to Legalism…..
I came to this site looking for current fast paced songs as well as all the others. I have to agree with Stephen above. We need to find songs that glorify God and sing “to Him” … not just “about Him.” My opinion is we’re there to worship the King of Kings and tell Him how much we love him. Not just speak “about” Him in a “worship” song. Speaking about Him is another way to sing, but I wouldn’t call them church worship songs appropriate for leading worship. Songs should be directed to Him. Just my opinion though, and I’ve heard numerous others say the same thing. And while I’m on opinions… I would suggest and encourage a DEEP research of Jesus Culture, Kim-Walker Smith and those involved in that movement. You may find that we shouldn’t be singing or encouraging their music … or any other thing that is affiliated with Bethel Church in Redding CA. No, I’m not an old fuddy duddy. Yes, I am an evangelical Pentecostal who believes in the Holy Spirit and His work today. Compare their practices & beliefs to the Bible. Knowledge is wisdom. In this day and age, we all need it. 🙂
Good list! A few more that have worked well in our church are:
Unstoppable God – Elevation
Mighty Warrior – Elevation
Only King Forever – Elevation
Not Today – Hillsong
Chain Breaker – Zach Williams
Very helpful list. Thank You!
Of this list there is only one song lead by a woman. Do you have any examples of female driven priase songs?
Great point. I will look around for more female-led fast worship songs for this list.
A workship leader friend of mine was struggling finding a fast worship song for his youth…. so he wrote one.
It’s called “FREE” by hebruz. You can youtube it to find the song and lyrics. Note this song was written with guitar so its doable without all the instrumentation you hear in the audio.
Thank you so much for this post. God is so good! I’m a worship leader and I had prayed “God help me find some new upbeat, fast worship songs”. I prayed that prayer and then did what all Christians do when searching for answers, I googled. I searched for “fast upbeat christian songs” and I came across your article. It was so so so helpful, so thank you. This was an answered prayer.
Don’t know if anyone has suggested “Soul on Fire” by Third Day. Meaningful words, easy chords, even with going up a key for the last verse. Our primary school worship band introduced it to the school this week during praise time; great response.
Thanks so much for this Tim. Started to worry after purchasing 5 latest albums all without any upbeat songs. Great find for me on your list was FELLOWSHIP CREATIVE. Another song I can suggest that worked well for us over the past season is: Fill This Place by Red Rocks Worship (wait for verse 2)
My mom grew up with hymns, and then when i was like 7 we moved to a closer church called impact. Okay maybe i was 10-11 i don’t really remember. Anyways so Impact church is weslyn and my mom didn’t know what that was, but the children ministry was amazing! My brother and I loved it!! And we called it big church hahaha I loved the worship. It was like a concert almost for Jesus. My Nanna didn’t like it b/c she said she doesn’t want to vibrate while worshiping. ( she only came once for a baptisim) It’s so powerful! My dad soon joined the band b/c of his musical background it was extremely easy for him to become apart of the band, and now i might help the worship team for children ministries! Sorry for any of my mistakes while writing this. 🙂
Jona, thanks for your comment. I’m so glad you found a great church with good music. That’s something many people try to find for years. Sometimes God leads us to the right place when we don’t even know he’s doing it!
As a songwriter I’ve felt it important to write these upbeat songs of celebration and thanksgiving, for the same reasons you mention–there are so many slower and contemplative songs out there! And, I gravitate towards the slower stuff…I try to discipline myself to write and learn the uptempo songs as well. Anyway, I’ve been using Andy Park’s New Day (it’s from his 2009 album, Wonder Working God), In the River (the one you mentioned), and some of my own…not trying to do the self-plug, so I won’t post my own stuff! https://youtu.be/Ggk2DlcDmOg
Thanks for maintaining this site. I have benefited greatly from coming to this site and hearing Endless light for our Youth Band for our Youth Band to learn.
I do want to recommend the following:
Hillsong United: Break Free
Hillsong United: The Time Has Come
Hillsong United: One Way
Hillsong United: Take It All
Hillsong United: No Reason To Hide
Hillsong United: Freedom Is Here
Hillsong United: Light Will Shine
Kutless: Finding Who We Are
Citizens: Made Alive
Kari Jobe: We Are
Fee: Rise And Sing
Passion/Kristian Stanfill: Glorious Day
Hillsong Y&F: This Is Living
Hillsong Y&F: Where You Are
Hillsong Y&F: Real Love
Jesus Culture: Never Gonna Stop Singing
Lincoln Brewster: Majestic
Big Daddy Weave (or Bethel or Leeland): The Lion And The Lamb
David Crowder Band: Here Is Our King
Starfield: I Will Go
Seventh Day Slumber: Your Name High
Fee: All Because Of Jesus
Newsboys: I Am Free
Thanks for your great suggestions! Those will be really helpful to other worship leaders looking for songs.
Grateful to see a few comments about the content of these songs. Yes, it is great to have some upbeat songs that are lively. But in a corporate worship experience singing songs together about or to God is much better than singing songs about ourselves or our plight. I would love to see some “older” hymns and psalms reworked to be more modern.
I’m in my 30s and would prefer to sing songs by the Gettys, Fernando Ortega, and the like purely based on the content and “direction” of their songs.
You say that the version of “Alive” by Hillsong Young & Free is too electronic/techno. Travis Cottrell put a version of this song on his last CD (All That Is Within Me) that is less techno, has some electric guitar riffs.
Great find. Thanks for sharing!
To answer your query: Our church has done “endless praise” by planet shakers. It works great with just a 4 piece band so long as the guitarist can do the lead lines. We ended up using a backing track for the drums and lead lines and got away with a rhythm guitar and keys on stage.
Thanks for joining in the search for songs that are simple, wholesome, and happy. There is a lot of what I would call saccharine worship music out there. I define it as songs that use big words but nobody really knows what they’re saying. Or over-the-top declarations of surrender, without a taste of real life. “God, you are the only one!” What does that even mean? You get my drift. I miss the happy songs we used to sing in youth group in the seventies. “Love him in the morning,” and “Doesn’t that Bible say?” Sure, not all of them are messages directed toward God, i.e. “I worship you.” But they give you a lot more bang for your buck, in terms of good old-fashioned joy and courageous fire. Most of our songs nowadays are meta-worship. “Oh, God, I’m singing about worshiping you! In a slow tempo, oh Lord!” We need to be a lot more like the Raven in The Magician’s Nephew, “Am I the first joke?” Thank you, thank you, for digging deeper and looking for something more.
I come from a gospel background which had a plethera of fast paced songs but I now lead in a contemporary style. I think our mainstream radio style songs, which are played in most of our contemporary Christian churches do not really focus on praise but more worship. Many churches feel the upbeat, the over production, the lighting becomes way too over done and can take the focus away from God. I don’t think it has to be this way. Music touches people regardless how fast or slow you play them. I totally agree we need more fast upbeat songs in our churches (some people are afraid of the whole Pentecostal movement and will avoid such music)…I love Kim Walker Smith, Bethel music, planetshakers, Elevation worship, & Hillsong young and free. I’ve lead praise and worship since I was 14 yrs old and I am now 34…I’ve been overseeing a youth band for the last 5 years. I’ve learned that the music I like at 34 is not what a 15 year old would like. Before I implement any new songs, I try to get feedback from the kids (youth)…as long as the song is easy to sing, has a chorus that is relatable, and directs people towards God I’m usually good with it. I think a 15 year old kid knows how to reach a 15 yr old kid…so I give them quite a bit of freedom. My job as their leader is to expose them…let God work and speak through them. It’s amazing what kids will do…some of them have written their own vamps or chants…re-write lyrics…use secular songs and re-write them to glorify Christ. Awesome! We started with 6 kids…now we have 19. It’s great to see kids grabbing a hold of God at 13-19 years old.
Just got this comment via email from Pastor Dennis in Yakima, Washington…
I don’t know who you are and had not even known of your sight 6 weeks ago. I lost a youth pastor who had just started a praise band. They hadn’t even played one song yet. I searched, found your sight…we played our first song about 5 weeks ago. I sent them to your sight, told them to watch the videos and gave them chords. We started playing and wow…thanks. It was nice to have a source to send them. I just had time to read your lesson on is worship for us or God and loved it and will share it at band practice is a couple of hours. Thanks so much. The upbeat songs were very helpful and easy to play. We have been blessed and will continue to send others to your sight and hope you know it made a difference. Praise to God.
Thanks for your comments and I get where you’re coming from. You only want to see newly-published songs on the list.
However, I made the list about a few different things: 1) Songs worship teams can play easily; 2) Songs that churches *are playing* in 2016; 3) Fairly modern stuff that’s not outdated yet.
If you’ve been around the church for a while, you notice that it takes years for songs to “catch on” and finally be adopted into congregations.
You argue that songs *not* from 2016 should not be on the list. And that these are not “top songs”. However, if you look at CCLI’s list of top 25 songs (http://us.ccli.com/worship-resources/top-songs/) you’ll notice there are few, if any, from 2016. In fact, currently at #7 is “How Great Is Our God” from 2004.
So forgive me for having songs from 2009, but I believe each song on the list is relevant and useful to today’s church.
You’ll notice a few other things about CCLI’s top 25 songs. As I’m writing this, only 2 of them could be considered “upbeat”. That demonstrates a real weakness of worship songwriters today. Or, a weakness inside the church. Either there aren’t fast songs being written, or the church is not adopting them and getting them in the top spots of CCLI’s list. (I was glad to see one of my fast song suggestions “This Is Amazing Grace” at #1 on CCLI’s list).
So there’s a hole in worship music today: fast songs. That’s why I think over 14,000 people *per month* come to my fast worship songs resource. Worshipers are searching for upbeat songs with which to encourage their congregations, but they can’t find them. I’m filling that gap, albeit perhaps not with songs that were written in the last few months.
So here are your next steps. Send over some fast songs from this year and I will add them to the list, if I think regular worship teams can play them.
Oh, and you said this article was click bait. No, it’s not, but this other one I wrote is: 5 Rock Stars Who Might Have Been Worship Leaders
So, for 2016 you are including songs from 2009?
This list is click bait, because it is neither top songs nor songs of 2016.
We must be better than this.
Wow Thank you so much! These songs were a great help. Me and my husband are the worship leaders at our church. We’re just starting out and its so hard to find upbeat songs and this just helped me and I had totally forgot about some of these songs on here. Praise God. Definitely gonna try some!
Some that have been working for us are :
Grace on top of Grace – Fellowship Collective
Hands toward Heaven – North Point
Lion and the Lamb – Bethel
Only your love – Kari jobe
Never Stop – Urban Rescue
Center My Life – Austin Stone Worship
Freedom – Bethel
He is faithful – Bryan and Katie Torwalt
Hello – thanks for sharing all of these great songs. I’ve found a few new ones to add to my running playlist. Sunday morning runs before sunrise are my time with God on the quiet roads.
One song that I wanted to mention (in case it hasn’t been yet) is “Risen” by Covenant Worship. The song features Israel Houghton of Lakewood Church and Israel & New Breed (these are great albums to look into). Grace to all.
majority of these songs are very ‘Me’ centered, horizontal and spiritual type songs…great through the week…but we go to church to worship God for who he is, not what he does for us…so maybe congregations need to start offering Vertical worship…as a guide…reflect on John’s vision in revelations.
Less fluff, and noise! No I am not an old person.
Diamonds – Hawk Nelson
O Mighty Ones – Catherine Mullins or Incense & Arrows
Thank you for these suggestions. I’m the only musician at this small Baptist church. I play piano and my calling is absolutely slow worship songs. So, finding and being able to play uptempo music is quite a challenge. Our congregation is a more mature group, so I try to incorporate traditional hymns along with contemporary. They are very sweet about the combination of songs like Down At the Cross and Awesome God or I Surrender All with All Who Are Thirsty. I desperately need more uptempo songs that I can play, so I will be checking out all of these on your list. If you have anymore tips please share them. Thank you so much. God bless you!
If you have a good lead guitarist and female singer then Jesus Culture’s “Holding Nothing Back” is by far my most favorite upbeat worship song! Easy to play too!
I am so grateful to have found this site. Our church is starting a more contemporary Worship Service next month. It’s considered a pilot program, and we would appreciate your prayer support. There are so many suggestions that I’m fired up to use! The songs excite me about God’s presence in my life, and His love for me. I’m inspired to inspire others through music! Thank you!
Great to hear. May God bless your efforts. Glad I could help.
It is indeed a challenge for a praise and worship leader to find a balance between a hip music while looking for an anointed song. It is easy to find a fast song. But to find a song with a catchy beat, tune, at the same time good theology, singable by the congregation AND a special “umph” of God is hard to find.
Likewise, pastors are in a dilemma of finding that a true worship leader.
I remember meeting Alvin Slaughter personally and he told us something that embedded in my brain. He said “I am a music minister more than a praise and worship leader. When I sing, the tendency of the people is to listen to me and be blessed by the message of the song. Ron (referring to Ron Kenoly) is a praise and worship leader. When he sings, he encourages the congregation to sing along with him. He has a great voice. But not all great singers are worship leaders.”
Likewise, not all songs are created equal. There are great songs that are really just for listening pleasure while some are indeed created to be sung to the Master 🙂
Another from Raymond Gregory. Rejoice
I’ve heard the praise and worship at Harvest sang this.
It was cool!
Very helpful. I agree that finding fast songs is a challenge sometimes.
A couple Casey Darnell songs have caught my attention lately
– We Believe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXpftk_0WqE
– Over and Over . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOU5y-MTsGo
One team I work with is doing Over and Over. We found the rhythm to be a bit tricky, but we were able to modify it slightly and still keep the general feel of the song.
I would love to see more Scripture in today’s music. Perhaps some of you could create some praise songs from the Psalms. Also, so much of today’s worship music is difficult for older people to sing along because of all the syncapation within the music. I like it when some of the old hymns are livened up. Would like to see more of that.
Our worship setlist has overused Wake and Alive by Hillsong YAF so much so I was looking for some simple praise songs and behold, my journey has succeeded.
Just wanted throw out:
“Hope Will Rise” -By Every Nation Music
swaying beat but good with both older and younger crowd. Heard it first at a college campus ministry conference!
Thanks for posting all these songs. Try doing Hank Williams’ “I saw the Light ” what a classic !
I like the idea of this list, but as a female musician, playing in an all-girl alternative rock worship band, it’s discouraging to see such a lack of suggested upbeat songs by female musicians.
This is very helpful! I am at a new church as the worship leader and the vision of our pastor is to be current(within the last 2 years) and more rock/upbeat worship songs vs slower. He also prefers not to repeat a song within a 6 week period- so my work is cut out for me! If folks have any ideas or suggestions for me- (we do have a band of talented musicians who can handle pretty much anything I throw at them) I would be so thankful for your help/song suggestions!
Excellent list! Thanks for your efforts!
Great list – thanks. Love anything from Rend Collective. We’ve just started practising “Your Royal Blood” and already have “Build Your Kingdom Here” and “My Lighthouse” on our index. Another goodie is “Yahweh” by Dustin Smith. Two other great Aussie songs are “The Greatest Reason” by Paradise Music (from Paradise church in South Australia) and “But God” by Rob Scott from Margaret Court’s church in Perth, Victory Life Centre.
Great suggestions, thanks. I have not heard many of these. I’ll check them out.
This list was a huge help, thank you! I lead worship at a university, so it’s a pretty young crowd. We’ve been doing Risen by Covenant Worship. A little more complex, but you can buy the track to go along. Also, Joy by Planetshakers.
Thanks for the song suggestions and thank you for blessing university students with your worship ministry.
Rise and Sing is a staple in our youth praise band. Matt Redman’s “Undignified” is another great fast paced tune. I saw another comment mentioning Until the Whole World Hears by Casting Crowns. This is another staple for our group. It’s fun to play and not too difficult with a little practice.
Hi Tim,
I stumbled across your site unintentionally but I’m curtain it wasn’t by accident as I’m running a leadership meeting tomorrow and will recommend this site as a resource. As seems to be common situation, we too have an ageing congregation and find that by opening a service with 2 or 3 uptempo praise songs, we can collectively enter into a deeper time of worship with dynamic and spontaneous movement of the Spirit. The oldies struggled coming to terms with the new songs initially but through prayer persistence, they now seem in full support. We, the music/worship leadership are constantly on the lookout for fresh upbeat songs that can be used to lead the church into His presence.
This one was mentioned earlier, it’s probably been the most effective song at unifying a congregation diverse in age:
The Love Of The Father by City Alight
Nothing But The Blood by the same group (this is the traditional hymn, but check it out as it is an awesome upbeat version!).
Keep up the good work brother! Your encouragement to all who have left comments is inspiring.
In Him,
Yep I’m a big fan of Elevation Worship. Thanks for the suggestions. It’s kind of like when you lose your keys and they are sitting on the kitchen table – this one is so obvious everyone missed it. Thanks for bringing that to my attention and I’ll add some of their stuff!
I am really surprised that no one, yourself or comments, has mentioned anything from Elevation Worship yet! Based out of Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC, these guys are putting out some phenomenal stuff. I serve as worship leader at Oasis Church in Radford, VA, and we have added about 8 songs to our repertoire from Elevation in the last 14 months or so.
Specifically, check out “Mighty Warrior” and “Only King Forever” from the Only King Forever album. From the same album, a couple of others are fantastic mid-tempo songs: “I Will Look Up” and “Great and Mighty King.” From the album For the Honor, check out “Exalted One.” And finally, from Nothing is Wasted, check out “Greater” (feat. Israel Houghton), which starts low and builds nicely. When I discovered Elevation Worship early in 2015, I knew I’d found something special! Do yourself and your team a favor, and check out Elevation Worship on iTunes! Start with Only King Forever; you will not be disappointed!
I think Great I Am by Philips, Craig, and Dean is an amazing song and very powerful!! Our youth band did it on Wednesday nights!
Thanks so much for this list!! I was having trouble finding some upbeat new songs for our team, and this list is perfect. After reading this, we learned the song “Running,” and now I’ve come back for another suggestion. I think we’ll do “God is Alive” next! Thanks again.
Fantastic list! You’ve made the job of music pastors around the world a whole lot easier by running the first 100 metres for them. Thanks heaps!
Some other songs that we do at my church are:
“Alive” by Hillsong, “Made Alive” by Citizens and Saints, “Jesus” by Citizens and Saints, “Overflowed” by Trevor Hodge, “Rejoice” by Dustin Censure, “The Love of the Father” by CityAlight, and “Joy!” by Worship Central Australia.
Thanks for the song ideas. I’ll add them to the list.
What a great resource! Thank you so much!
Check out “You Are Good” by Bethel Live – Brian Johnson
All Because Of Jesus by Fee and Symphony Of Grace by The Digital Age are also good ones!
I lead worship for the youth at my church. You have included some great songs that we do (This Is Amazing Grace & Like A Lion) and I have been wanting to do Go for awhile! Some other ones that I like are One Way, Salvation Is Here, Break Free, The Time Has Come, and The Point Of Difference by Hillsong United. Also, I Am Free by The Newsboys and Not To Us by Chris Tomlin. Finding Who We Are by Kutless is another good one. No One Like You by David Crowder Band used to be one that we did a lot over 5 years ago and always went over well.
What’s funny is that I am actually much better with the fast songs than the slower songs (probably my experience in playing in punk bands growing up!). I am finding it harder to discover new fast songs (especially from Hillsong United). So always cool to discover new stuff (hadn’t heard the Jesus Culture Forevermore song before so that was a cool discovery).
Keep up the good work!
Kristian Stanfill: Not Ashemed
Thanks for the tips Tom! Great points!
This is a really nice mix of mostly newer and recent ideas from many different artists. I see where you used many songs with simple phrasing which is key when developing a larger list to pick from. A few things for all of us (as leaders picking the songs our teams will sing) is to remember these key points as well:
1.) Range – some of these guys (like Stanfill, Tomlin, etc) have higher tenor voices that most have trouble singing with. The only way I have found help here is to transpose them and hope the music guys are okay (riffs sometimes change considerably when you drop a 3rd down). Good luck here – the songs are great and worthy to be done. Watch out for songs that start really low then jump up an octave…it spells a challenge for your team and the gathering flock.
2.) Melody line/Syncopation: most of your congregations are not the ones who sing these songs constantly in the car, at the office, in the shower, etc, so really looking at phrasing and the flow of the melody helps. In other words, pick these songs that have a simple, straightforward melody to start (nothing too jumpy in pitch or rhythm – some of this is explained above) and gradually work in songs with more syncopation,etc. Training is part of the worship process. We invite them in to join, not listen every Sunday. If you always hear “what great music!” versus “what great worship!”, go simpler. Trust me. You are there only to facilitate. Fast and simple to start can work and engage quickly.
3. Be Flowmasters – know where you go after your high octane. Carefully go to the next adventure – key, speed, range, etc. That is huge. Prayerfully consider who sings when and how the fast song ties into the next one (fast/medium/slow). Present the theme the Holy Spirit wants to embrace.
Keep these in mind – maybe more than you needed or old school stuff. Been doing this a long time now and have seen a lot of great servant led worship. Great list – keep it up!
Laura – Thanks for your comments. I think all us worship leader gravitate toward slower, contemplative songs. However the church needs fast, upbeat songs too…especially when you’re leading youth in worship. I’m glad these songs have helped you in your journey of worship leading as you say. Another tip – ask the 9-14 year olds what worship songs they are listening too. That’s a great song idea generator as well.
Thanks so much for these songs! I have just begun my journey of leading praise and worship and these songa and videos were sooooooo helpful! The kids are between 9-14 and although Iisten to contemporary Christian music, I am a ballad fan and have really been struggling to find some praise songs the kids could relate to. I am so grateful! Keep the praise songs coming!!!
Gabe – great to hear you have started to lead worship. That’s exactly how I started many years back. You’re in for quite an adventure if you stick with it. Good luck incorporating fast songs – that’s one of the toughest parts of leading worship! PS – here’s a post I wrote with new worship leaders in mind: http://worshipdeeper.com/135/how-to-be-a-worship-leader-6-steps/
I just began worship leading for youth group three weeks ago. I want to start incorporating more upbeat/faster songs into the set. It is so hard to find simple fast songs, thank you for all the resources!
Our kids worship team did pull off endless praise at our youth Sunday. It was a blast. Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking of quite a few of your suggestions but I’ve been nervous to try them. We do need more songs so here I go!!
Hey! Thanks for posting these! I’m always on the look out to find good upbeat songs to sing for worship! These gave me some great suggestions.
Here are a few I think you may like:
Kim Walker-Alive
Bryan & Katie Torwalt-Glorious
Bryan Torwalt-He Is Faithful
my #1 favorite Third Day’s Soul On Fire! Easy Peasy Chord Progression
Chord Chart (see also you can transpose at the click of a button on the left)
Elevation worship has some great songs that are upbeat as well. Unstoppable God is a great set starter.
Betgel stuff works like You are Good our church loves that song and pretty simple
I have been on the search for more upbeat worship songs. I plan on incorporating a few from your list! Thank you. Today is the Day- Lincoln Brewster is a song my church seems to like fairly well. Nothing Is Impossible- Planetshakers is an upbeat song that instantly makes you clap your hands. They have a couple other upbeat songs that you may want to consider as well if you like the feel of this one. Greater- MercyMe is an absolute crowd pleaser. I have worn this song out but I’ve yet to get tired of singing or seeing everyone worship to it! Thrive- Casting Crowns is moderately upbeat but can be made more upbeat if actually playing it. I could go on and on about the worship songs that Casting Crowns have provided for my church. **(They aren’t upbeat at all but “All you’ve ever wanted” and “Just be Held” are two songs on their new cd that really speak to my church. There are many other slower songs that they have as well that can move you to your knees.)**
Good songs.
‘Open Up The Heavens’ by Vertical Church and ‘For Your Glory’ by Matt Redman always works well. And also ‘Love Came Down’ by Ben Cantelon also is brilliant. There are two versions. The original is more mid tempo and I prefer it. But he has recently arranged a faster one which works also.
Thanks for the ideas Scott!
Love some of these! thanks so much for sharing. We also do: Be Lifted Higher-David Moore, Closer-Hillsong Live, Endless Praise-Planetshakers, Glorious-Bryan and Katie Torwalt, God Most High-Worship Central. And even though it’s not fast, one of our absolute FAVORITE SONGS is Great are You Lord by All Sons & Daughters.
Don’t forget, Lincoln Brewster has lots of great praise tunes. Yes, he’s an awesome guitarist, but you don’t have to emulate his lead solos to play his songs. 🙂
Great point Bill. I’ll add some of his stuff!
Thank you so much. I just recently moved from a youth-centered, fast-paced church to a small-town church with ages primarily 60+. I’m getting involved with worship there and I just couldn’t remember a lot of the songs that my old youth group and church used to do. This list was a BIG help. The choir director is wanting to slowly transition into faster-paced, more modern songs to appeal to the youth in the area. This list is so great!
So glad the list was helpful. Thanks for being one of the unsung heroes who works with small churches. You are needed. I think you’ll find that a lot of the 60+ crowd will like the newer fast stuff. The key is a slow transition: not trying to move the congregation too far too fast. Sounds like that’s what you have planned. Blessings on your efforts there.
Worship Deeper
Thank you so much. Was just praying for some guidance and suggestions on fast songs. Like you said fast songs are hard to come by. We have a young and youthful church at Firehouse Church Brea, Ca. I am going to incorporate most or all of the songs you suggested. Yay!!! Can’t wait!!!
Vanessa – so glad my list helped give you some ideas. I’d love to hear how your church likes the songs so come back and leave another comment and update us.
No idea about the difficulty of playing these songs, but hopefully there is a gem or two that you can potentially use. Not a worship leader myself, but definitely wish my church would pick up on some of these.
We Are Your Church – Celebration Worship
From the Day – I Am They
We Are Yours – I Am They
Everyday – Hillsong
Touch the Sky – Hillsong (Off their new album ‘Empire’ – starts slow and ends fast)
My Beloved – Crowder
My Lighthouse – Rend Collective
Your Love Never Fails – Jesus Culture
Thanks Heidi,
Congratulations on incorporating some faster music into your worship services. It’s always a hard shift trying to add a little something for all ages. Keep working at it. It’s a process.
I’ll check out those Casting Crowns tunes!
These are some great suggestions! We have just started incorporating contemporary worship songs into our service (We’ve recently had a shift from primary 60 & above to the average is mid 30s!) and these songs are a great list to start from. We haven’t done any fast songs yet, starting them out slow- mostly songs with hymns tie-ins. I think that I am definitely going to incorporate “This is Amazing Grace” this month.
I’m not sure how upbeat you consider Casting Crowns, but their East is from the West and Until the Whole World Hears could possibly make pretty good worship songs as well.